WOMAN (Luke 13:10-17)
(The Rev. Dr. Winfred
Vergara, Holy Trinity, Hicksville, NY. 08/21/2016)
A story is told of a
widow who fell on hard times. Being a Christian however, her condition did not
cause her to lose her faith. Every morning, she goes to her balcony and
praising God, she declares “Today, God will provide me with a bag of groceries.”
The Bible says that
“when Jesus said this, all his opponents were put to shame and the entire crowd
rejoiced at the wonderful things that Jesus has done.”
First, Jesus heals in response to human needs. It is possible that for the last eighteen
years, this woman had been from one physician to another. It is possible that
for the last eighteen years there were many treatments promising cure but they
were of no avail. She was now bent over. It is possible that she even had
accepted that her sickness was incurable. But hope has come with Jesus who
said, “the devil comes only to kill, steal and destroy; I come that you may
have life and have it abundantly”(John10:10).
By the way, the word
“compassion” in Greek has the image of “being gripped in the intestine”; you
become so empathetic to the suffering of others that you ache in your guts that
you must help.
In the Bible, God was
imaged as a compassionate God. He spoke to the Hebrew slaves, “I have heard
your cries, I have seen your tears, I will come down to help.”
This godly compassion
was imaged by Jesus when he saw the crowd: the homeless, the wetbacks, the undocumented
immigrants, the marginalized in Judeo-Roman society. He was filled with
compassion because “they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a
So if you must be a
godly leader, if you must be a healer, a pastor or a priest, you must have that
gift of compassion. For this coming presidential elections, I do not want to
say which candidate you should vote, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. But I
should say, watch for them, get to know them from their words and from their
policies, if there is compassion. If you vote for the most compassionate
leader, you will not be disappointed, because compassion is of God!
Second principle in this gospel is the putting
of higher value on human life. Every human being is created in the image of God and all
lives---black, white, brown, yellow, red---matter. We are all precious in God’s
So the value of human
life is more than the rules and regulations that we created. The laws must
always be enacted that protect human lives than diminish lives. The
hypocritical leader of the synagogue brought out the letter of the law: “No
work on Sabbath!” but Jesus brought out the spirit of the law:”Sabbath is made
for man; not man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27)
The letter of the law
kills but the spirit of the law gives life!
One may argue that in the
Greek cultural context, where the New Testament was written from, there is a
separation between body and soul, that the body is less important than the
soul, and that the flesh is at war with the spirit. We often say, our spirit is
willing but our flesh is weak. But even St. Paul, who has in some instances,
tried to create a wedge between the flesh and the spirit, ultimately found the
trinity of human being as body, mind and spirit.
So while desiring a
sound mind, we are to take care of our body because it is the temple of the
Holy Spirit. I have recently enrolled in a gym and finding time to exercise,
because I want to serve the Lord in the world, longer and healthier. The 3rd
Letter of John began with the words, “I wish above all else that you may
prosper and be of good health, even as your soul prospers.” We must desire a
sound mind, a healthy body and a right spirit.
Third and final principle in this gospel is
that healing is a platform for evangelism. The rebuke of Jesus silenced the hypocrites but the rest of the
people rejoiced in the wonderful
works of God. The miracle of healing breaks open the heart of the people to
God. The miracle makes them ready to receive the Good News. The Good News was
validated and confirmed by the miracles, signs and wonders.
Today, we live in
societies where there is much skepticism and unbelief. Churches are in decline
as church going is at all-time low. Children and young people are hard to
find. It’s hard to recruit acolytes,
choirs and singing groups. Christian
education classes are no longer popular.
Bible studies and prayer groups have waned. People have less time for
prayer. People have less time for God.
So we are living in a
new missionary age. Churches are in need of revival and communities are in need
of spiritual awakening.
Here at Holy Trinity,
we have started a Healing Service. We pray that God will fill us with
compassion to pray for the sick; we pray that miracles, signs and wonders will
fill our church. That people who come here may find welcome and friendship;
that people who come here may find healing and renewal; that people who come
here may see their lives transformed and their feelings inspired.
For ourselves, we pray
that we will be faithful, available and teachable.. St. Paul said to Timothy:
“Preach the word. Be urgent in season or out of season; convince, rebuke,
exhort. Be unfailing in your witness. For the time is coming when people will
no longer endure sound teaching. But having itching ears, they will turn away
from the truth and turn to myths. But as for you, be faithful, endure
sufferings, do the work of an evangelist.”
Yes we must evangelize
and pray that God will break open the heart of this community to God by the
miracles of healing and reconciliation. Amen.